Who is this?

I am Patrick Muindi, a writer from Nairobi, Kenya. I mostly write about realism in everyday living, guiding my readers to a happy and fulfilling yet pragmatic and practical life.

I am also the author of The Practice of Living, a highly-rated book on human nature and how to navigate everyday realities. (The book is available on Amazon.)

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This newsletter is all about perfecting the practice of living; it’s about acquiring a mindset of clarity to think and act in a manner that leads to an informed and happy life.

Subscribe for thoughts, ideas, interpretations, and perspectives that inform your everyday living. These will come to you every week, without fail.

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Thoughts, meditations, and perspectives for everyday living; realism for a practical life.


Writer, author, and an explorer of human nature. A curious realist. My book, The Practice of Living, is available on Amazon.