Aug 21Liked by Patrick Muindi

I'm once again inspired by your wisdom, Patrick. Thank you for putting these ideas into words and making us all stop and think for a moment or two!

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Thank you, Leah. I hope you're keeping well and holding on fine. It's good to see you spend as much time as you can on here. I also look forward to reading your posts when you return.

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Beautifully written and advice worth noting.

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Thank you Pallavi!

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I am a big fan of the African wild dog. Nothing fancy about its tactics but highly effective. Thanks for the reminder.

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Welcome, and thanks bro. I admire the endurance and resilience. Simple, not fancy, but gets the job done. A lot to learn from this effectiveness.

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Aug 21Liked by Patrick Muindi

The African wild dog wins, what a powerful lesson in reaching your goal🌺

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Thank you, Sharon! In the long run, it's all about persistence and endurance.

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The loneliness of dreams section is so thought provoking! Well written Patrick!

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Thank you Malik, glad it was a good read, especially that particular section.

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Aug 25Liked by Patrick Muindi

“you are suffering doubly by expecting explanations and clarity that no one can give you, at least not as soon as you want them.”

This is the lesson of my 40s! Your reaction to something can easily double your suffering. I’m trying to learn how to react in ways that actually reduce suffering instead of adding to it…slowly but surely.

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Things will happen; there will always be things to respond or react to. Learning this is important, because from one lesson, we get to learn how to handle many things.

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Aug 25Liked by Patrick Muindi

Absolutely love the hyenas example. In my humble opinion, they are one of the most underrated 'savanah' animals ever. Not only are they smart but they team work better than us humans. Such fascinating creatures. As always, learning from nature is a limitless journey in which you embark on and never return.

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Totally agree, Qi. I think you're referring to wild dogs, although this is right for hyenas too. For example, while they have a reputation for scavenging, they actually kill their own prey most of the time. Thanks for this observation; we can indeed learn a lot from nature where things happen naturally and creatures never claim to be what they aren't.

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Aug 24Liked by Patrick Muindi

Thank you for normalising the idea of stepping away from things that might not serve us anymore Patrick. This is exactly why I love reading your newsletter. There is so much wisdom in your words, I learn something new about life every week. Thank you for showing up on this platform and sharing your words✨

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Welcome, Mansi, and thank you too. I appreciate you taking the time; and I specifically appreciate the kind words.

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Again Patrick, post filled with so much wisdom. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us all :)

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Welcome, Harneek. Very glad to know that you liked it.

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Aug 23Liked by Patrick Muindi

“Your dreams are yours to nurture, their importance and necessity only known to you. It is you to stick with them; it’s you to protect and preserve them. It’s you who’ll lose if they aren’t actualized.”


I feel like you’re inside my head right now, this is great, and the different examples of hunters in the wild is wonderful.

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Thank you, Sea. Thought it appropriate to touch on dreams for those who hadn't read The Practice of Living. Very happy to know you enjoyed this post.

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Keep going, even when things get hard. Staying committed is the key to success. Every challenge makes you stronger and brings you closer to your dreams. Don’t give up, you’re making progress with every step you take. It's not a fancy strategy but works, I liked the African dog example in particular.

Thanks for sharing this wisdom with us Patrick, especially with the current environment pushing us to desire quick success.

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Thank you for these words, Tinashe. Patience, perseverance, resilience, endurance... We need these to get anywhere.

Often, it's the simple strategy that guarantees longevity. Thank you once again!

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Aug 22Liked by Patrick Muindi

I love the line “your dreams are yours to nurture”.. and I surely hope that perseverance proves to result in higher odds than lions have 💞

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Thank you, Teyani. If lions didn't live in prides, they would be extinct by now. If their odds are so low with pack hunting, I wonder how they'd do hunting solo. They'd starve to death.

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Aug 21Liked by Patrick Muindi

Every word, sentence and paragraph resonates with me.

Thank you so much for this inspiring and thought-provoking read.

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Very much welcome, Mfon, and thank you for this feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.

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I love this. Saving.

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Thank you. Glad that you found it so.

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Relentless ❤️

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Yes - will not and cannot give up.

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